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Chemical Peel Training

Why train with me?

After gaining a CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in advanced SKIN Science, Microneedling and Skin peeling have further trained with multiple organisations ensuring I have the enhanced knowledge of skin anatomy and the chemical peel process.


I provide my students with one to one Chemical peel training, ensuring that you are given all my personal knowledge and experience enabling you to feel confident in providing Chemical peel treatments to the general public. Not only that, your support doesn’t just end after the training has finished, I provide you with unlimited ongoing support. During the course you will be taught how to administer Chemical peel treatments safely and maintain high hygienic standards ensuring your clients skin is cared for.


On signing up for the course you will receive a fully comprehensive manual that you will need to read prior to attending the course. You will then attend your practical day where your theory knowledge from the manual will be tested and once the practical day is completed you will be provided with a certificate of completion which will enable you to obtain insurance. You will then be supported through completing 2 case studies at home with tutor feedback provided to help you make treatment improvements if necessary.


1 day training £400


Half Day Mentoring £200 - 4 hours

*Suitable for those already qualified


Course Kit –The kit provided will consist of the products needed to complete your home case studies, but the salon furniture such as lighting and beauty couch will not be included and additional products will need to be purchased.


Course content:

  1. Introduction

  2. Health and Safety

  3. Tools & Equipment

  4. Client Consultation

  5. Dealing with complications

  6. Understanding skin types

  7. Product knowledge

  8. Application of Chemical Peel treatment

  9. Health Conditions and Allergies

  10. Aftercare advice


Course Price includes:

  1. Accredited certificate

  2. Manuals

  3. Light refreshments (Please bring a packed lunch)

  4. Consent, Pre Treatment and Aftercare Paperwork

  5. Ongoing support and advice

  6. Products to be used on the day

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