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What is Botulinum toxin (Wrinkle Relaxing Injections)?

Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by a bacterium, Clostridium botulinum, which can relax muscles. Botulinum toxin is reported to be useful in more than 50 conditions, including muscle spasms and stiffness, twitching, migraines and excessive sweating; it's been also used for years by ophthalmologists to improve certain muscle-related eye conditions and can be helpful in treating Parkinson's Disease; in 2002 Botulinum toxin Anti Wrinkle Injections received clearance by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cosmetic use; the areas treated by Wrinkle relaxing Injections include 'frown lines' on the forehead (both vertical and horizontal) and 'crows feet' on the outer sides of the eyes.


Is it safe?

Botulinum toxin is a safe and effective treatment when used in accordance with FDA-approved procedures and by qualified doctors or nurses; any side effects are generally minor, if they occur at all. During your consultation any possible complications that may arise from the treatment will be discussed fully.

How long does it last and when will you notice the difference?

Botulinum toxin lasts for up to 4 months. When used regularly the intervals between treatments can increase. The treatment will start to take effect you after in 5 - 7 days with the full effect seen at round 14 days.

If Wrinkle Relaxing Injections are not permanent, why should I keep having them?

There is research to show that when Botulinum toxin is performed 4 times a year for 2 - 3 years, the target muscles can become significantly weakened and the time periods between follow-up appointments can lengthen.

Will my wrinkles be worse once it has faded?

Once the Botulinum toxin has worn off your skin will return to its original state or perhaps slightly improved. There can be long term improvements to fine lines and skin texture and new fine lines and wrinkles can be prevented from developing with regular use.


What are the Risks?


Although good results are expected, it is possible that after treatment that the face may appear uneven as some areas maybe greater affected by the product than others.

It is also possible that the treatment does not last as long as expected. The results of your botulinum toxin treatment is dependent on several factors including but not limited too: genetics, metabolism, age, medical history and natural anatomy. It is because of this that there is no guarantee on the results that can be obtained through treatment and the amount of time the treatment lasts. As with any treatment, dissatisfaction remains a real risk.


Other adverse reactions include, but are not limited to:

A headache or flu-like symptoms for the first 24 hours.
Bruising, swelling and redness at needle entry point.
A frozen look, you might not be able to move the muscles in your face if too much Botox is injected.
Temporary weakness and droopiness in your face for example, your eyelids or eyebrows may droop if the Botox moves into these areas.
Very rarely, serious problems such as blurred or double vision can happen if the area around the eyes is treated.
Potential Botox side effects include pain at the injection site.
Infection, inflammation, swelling, redness, bleeding and bruising.
Some of these symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction.
headache and neck pain have been reported.
You may have heard of other side effects as well, such as numbness, droopy eyelids, muscle spasms or twitching, and migration of the substance.
It is possible for the Botox to spread a little beyond the intended injection site and affect surrounding tissues. For example, if you receive injections into the forehead close to your eyebrows or your upper eyelids, they could be affected and may droop temporarily.


  • DO NOT manipulate the treated area for 3 hours following treatment.

  • DO NOT receive facial/ laser treatments or microdermabrasion after Botulinum Toxin injections for at least 10 days. Ask your provider if you are not sure about the time frame of certain services.

  • Some providers believe that smiling and frowning right after Botox treatments helps the Botox find its way to the muscle into which it was injected after treated.

  • DO NOT lie down for 4 hours after your Botulinum Toxin treatment. This will prevent the Botulinum Toxin from tracking into the orbit of your eye and causing drooping eyelid.

  • DO NOT perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 6 hours after treatment. This will keep the Botulinum Toxin in the injected area and not encourage it to migrate elsewhere.

  • DO NOT fly for a minimum of 2 weeks post treatment.

  • DO NOT book for a Covid 19 of Flu Vaccination for at least 3 weeks after treatment.

  • DO NOT consume alcohol for 24 hours post treatment as this can cause the injection points to swell.


Review Appointment


After your initial treatment, you would have been given the opportunity to book in for a 2 week review appointment. The effects of Botulinum Toxin treatment are usually fully evident 4-7 days post initial treatment, but may take up to 2 weeks for full effect. If you are happy with your results, then you can cancel your review appointment (minimum of 48 hours before). If there are any issues, then please attend your appointment for possible adjustments if needed. Adjustments at your 2 week review will be free of charge, but only if I deem them necessary. Review adjustments that are optional on your request and appointments past the 2 week mark will be chargeable so please attend your review appointment.

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